Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Summer is coming to an end, only a few more weeks till school starts, some friends leave and some friends stay. Libramontes are in Canada till the weekend, April's in El Salvador/Costa Rica till the 17th, George&Mike are leaving on the 21st, man does the time fly.
So much has happened in the past 2months alone.

-Went to vegas for my birthday.
-We had an event at church called Spark the Fire.
-Had an awesome time @ Six Flags, & it was my best trip ever! (thanks to April! :D)
-Went to California Chicken Cafe & Citywalk for April's birthday.
-The worship team played at MOF's Worship Explosion alll the way in Pomona, CA (The same weekend that my parents were gone for vegas)
-Finally sold my silver Groove Percussion kit, then I bought new sticks& hi hat stand with the money!
-FAVORED was recenty disbanded and is starting from scratch, next R.I.S.E is October 31st on Halloween!
-I'm still praying for the job confirmation at ate jackie's workplace, *still praying!
-I've also gotten alot of criticism for my decision of not going to school fulltime, what they say doesn't really matter anymore.
-Made a new friend ;D
-Just recently started to work out again, haha.
-My dad's still saying he'll get me a gym membership, next week( which he said last week, & the week before & the week before...)
-Babysitting& Lessons at Ate Jackie's! it's weird that we go there more often now that she lives farther
-& wayyyy more that I just don't remember

alllll that and I still haven't been to the beach -_-

Just in general this summer was different from last.

I still have a few things left to do and people to hang out with :]

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